Monday 21 February 2011

The Window of Opportunity

 Good Morning. Well for all those there yesterday you would have received the new building brochure, if you weren’t there they are available from the building stand which is where the weekly offering will take place.
So you’ve now seen the new logo – if you missed it here it is:

If you’re not a fan – take a look at some previous attempts for us that we could have ended up with! :

Anyway, building news – we’re still waiting for the tenders to come back which we’re expecting at the end of March. *Note* We are expecting this to be in the region of £3m (yes £3m!) which includes all the building work, interior design, heating etc… BUT we got wind that we could get this for lower as there is limited work available for builders which means we can take advantage. Please pray that we get the lowest possible deal (we could save up to £400,000!!!) This is a window of opportunity for us at the moment.
From this Sunday until the 15th May you can give to make this happen although these pledges won't need to be paid in full until July 2012. It's a massive ask but we have a massive God and we're in faith that we'll see this happen!
Next week I’ll let you know about the fundraising ideas that we’re pursuing. Stay tuned...

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