Monday 28 February 2011

No Spectators

Morning all.

Well this week you would have noticed we’ve had some trees cut down around here in preparation for the demolition. A former member of the Church - Debbie Latham revealed she and husband Pete shared their first kiss under one of those trees. Any other ‘tree memories’ that people had?!

This week I’m talking about fundraising and there is no better place to start then with the legend that is Tim Arnold. The guy is nuts – he’s decided to climb 24 peaks in Cumbria in 48 hours wearing just his pants (and hopefully a rucksack) all to raise money for the new building. You can check out his fundraising page here for more details…

We’re also looking at developing some entrepreneurial groups who will be committing to a target and developing entrepreneurial ideas to reach their target. Other ideas include a farewell ball to the Kings Centre, an Art auction, Sponsored Events. If you have any further ideas or would like to be a part of something’s I’ve mentioned, please email me at

I felt God spoke to me this week and said ‘When I provide for the new building, how will you feel when you look back?’ It was amazing firstly that God didn’t say IF but WHEN and in terms of looking back - Would I feel gutted that I doubted this was really going to happen? Would I be gutted that I didn’t give all I could because I was afraid to push the boat out? Or would I be marvelling in the amazing provision of our God, thankful that through Gods grace we were able to play a part…

So what are you going to do?? As Heidi Baker said at last weeks Leaders Conference in Oxford ‘Let there be no spectators’. God is going to provide for us to have a new building. Question is: ‘Are we going to join in?

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