Monday 7 March 2011

Tenders go out today!

Bonjour, les gens! I’ve been practicing my French as Amelies parents are staying with us at the moment. And that’s as far as I’ve got… L

We’ve had another great weekend at LifeChurch, what a great atmosphere in the second service on Sunday Morning for the baptisms. It was great to see Julie and Lee taking the plunge of life!

So, today is important as the building spec goes out to 6 contractors at 12pm! 
They are all due back by 12pm on Monday 4th April. Just to remind you we feel we have a real window of opportunity because of the current economic climate. Time to start praying guys, we’re expecting it to be in the region of £3m but wouldn’t it be amazing to get something lower!

It was great to interview Tim yesterday, and even more encouraging to know that more and more people are beginning to plan different events. What can you do? A sponsored hike? Marathon? Coast to Coast bike ride? Sky dive? Fundraising Dinner? Art auction? Live music event?

You’ll be hearing over the coming weeks what people are getting up to.
Remember we need pledges in by Sunday 15th May so we can move out in July. 
Just think, if everyone raised £1000 each with a sponsored event, we’d have over £400,000! 
Don’t be a spectator, get involved! 

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