Monday 14 March 2011

Looking back / Looking forward

Good afternoon all.. Sorry I’m late with the blog, I’ve been in an exciting meeting in Altrincham as we plan to set up a new event called Sunday Night Live which is an evening of live music, interviews and coffee. You'll be hearing more about that over the coming weeks in LifeChurch.

It was great to hear Rosh and Mirian share their memories on Sunday morning, as they looked back at life in the Kings Centre before sharing what they're looking forward to most of all at the new LifeCentre. I feel that there is a lot of sentiment about the Kings Centre as many people have lots of memories here and it’s important that we honour that as well as looking ahead to the new building. Our proposed farewell ball in June should it go ahead would be an emotional affair for some. We'll be continuing our Looking Back / looking forward series this Sunday.

I'm really excited that some people with creative ideas and entrepreneurial skills are beginning to get together to and be creative with their money. If you feel you have something to add and would like to get involved or would like to contribute to this, please email me at

Looking ahead, bear in mind Tim Arnold as he’s freezes his pants off (literally) on top of a mountain somewhere in Cumbria this weekend and don't forget to sponsor him if you haven't already.

Keep the ideas coming in :)

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