Monday 11 April 2011


Afternoon all. Hope you've all been enjoyed the b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l weather this weekend - who needs a holiday in spain after that? Actually don't answer that one...

11 weeks to go then in the Kings Centre then, the countdown is definitely ON! If you weren't around on Sunday you would have missed the new wall which has the picture of a tent demonstrating the financial gap that needs to be closed in the form of Isaiah 54 which talks about enlarging your tent pegs and stretching for more. And it was our pleasure to add another 5 hand prints to the wall this morning (representing £50,000) - thanks Dave Hagon for the expert hand...printing?! That takes us to £1.3m and there's still some more to be added to that!

So, stairs. That's apparently what our youth are looking forward to the most in the new building...! Although most would argue not having to walk down the road to a cold, wet scout hut every Sunday morning and an amazing venue to invite their mates along to Revelation events would top that... just slightly. But it was great to hear the youth look back on their memories at the kings centre that would send shivers down every health inspectors spine and be an integral part of this journey we're on together. 

I'll hopefully see you all at Engage - this Thursday night 19.45

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