Monday 18 April 2011

A Realm of Opportunities

Morning. This week we're looking at all the opportunites we have as a church when we move out of our current home, the Kings Centre in June this year. As Andy communicated at the recent Engage evening, we are switching to 4.30pm and 6.30pm services where we will meet at the The Avenue Methodist Church, just across the road in Sale. During the Engage evening we discussed in groups some of the opportunities we have as a church when we make this move. 
This is what you said... 

1. Not having a building will take us out of our comfort zones and encourage to be creative.
2. This gives us opportunities to use our Sunday mornings to have friends and neighbours over.
3. It helps us adapt to change better and be more flexible.
4. It puts more emphasis on our Lifegroups and brings more community. 
5. It helps us build bridges with the Methodist Church and keeps us in the public eye.
6. It allows people to come to church who wouldn't or can't make morning services.
7. As it is a larger venue there is room for growth in our services.
8. During the building work peoples attention will be drawn to see 'what's being built' (we will have a 'coming soon' sign during this process) helping us be more visible.
9. There's more opportunities to support our mission teams with events / services they may run on a Sunday morning
10. We now get a lie-in on Sunday mornings (my moneys on this being Matt Walls comment!)

Some great ideas there and this is going to be exciting time for us. Some of the questions that were raised have been answered in a document posted on the LifeChurch website called ''Engage' Thursday 14 April 2011. 

The next 2 Mondays are bank holidays but do not worry! I'll still write a blog to keep you up to date ;)

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