Tuesday 3 May 2011

A Matter of Urgency

Good morning all. Hope you've enjoyed all the many bank holidays, holidays and of course, 
the royal wedding! (Even i noticed that the dress did look nice)
On Sunday night we launched 'Sunday Night Live' in Altrincham and had a great night, almost a full house. The team are really encouraged and look forward to running these now on a monthly basis.

So where are we up to with the building. Well, we're facing a critical 2 weeks as all pledges for this next phase need to be in by Sunday 15th May. Only 16 % of the Church has so far pledged for this phase which we are hoping will rise substantially if we are to see this dream become a reality. We do acknowledge and appreciate that some have given sacrificially before and simply cannot give again but we are desperate to see as many people get on board with this and give, some for the first time and some who have given before but can stretch over these next 15 months 
(These pledges do not need to be paid in full until July 2012). 

Despite the financial gap we're still pressing on, in faith that we will see provision for this and the decor team met to discuss the lighting for the new building. Dave Rolles has been working tirelessly on the legal aspects of all this and we are very keen to see this through and move in to our 
new home in September 2012. 

If you haven't pledged yet, please do take the time to pray about this and think about 
what you can give and fill out a form in the newsletter sheet this Sunday. 

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