Monday 9 May 2011

There's only one Tom Giles

Hello LifeChurch peeps! 
Breaking news! The married couple used in yesterdays story told by Tom Giles was NOT about Mark and Sarah Smith. Phew!  (Sorry if you missed it. Download the preach to know what i'm talking about. Vintage Tom Giles...)
Yesterday we announced we've received a staggering £90,000 from within the church in the last week. WE ARE GETTING CLOSER!! There's still a gap of £300,000 that we need to close in order for us to go.

So, this Sunday, to celebrate the end of this phase and hopefully see the pledges come in to make this a reality, we're going to have a slightly different format and they'll be no preach ( more controversial then a Tom Giles joke ) and we'll have an extended time of Worship, Communion and Prayer. I'm excited, I love these kind of meetings, not that i don't enjoy preaches... erm -  but you know what i mean right??!

Other news is that we've received some interest free loans which will help. Also we're waiting to hear our mortgage offer this week. Once again we need to see provision of God in this just like we've seen with the Tendors, the planning permission and of course the £1.4m that has been raised towards this until now.

Started planning our last Sunday in the Kings Centre today. Sad / Exciting times! Sunday 26th June - put it in your diary. I'm thinking bbq, bouncy castles, ice cream, Elders in the stocks, games etc... Let me know what you think or any ideas. Email me

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