Monday 16 May 2011

The pledges just keep on coming!

Good morning everyone and what a great weekend we've had at LifeChurch Manchester. Firstly the guys had a fantastic weekend at Wildfire (Men's weekend) with some great testimonies coming from that. Also we had a Worship and Thanksgiving Sunday at Church which was a great time of worship and prayer together. Credit also to Helen Thomas, Sarah Smith, Ben Dutton, Matt Walls and may others for doing the Manchester 10k run. All that and Manchester dominated the football world on Saturday by bringing home the Barclay's Premier League AND the FA cup (City were lucky...) 

So, if you were wondering where we're up to in raising money for the new building after this phase ended in spectacular fashion yesterday - let me remind you about the facts. We needed to get to in the region of £1.7m before the directors meeting tonight to decide whether or not we can proceed with the building project. Yesterday (and some still filtering through today) we raised over £85k which means we now have over £1,515,000! We are still £185,000 short of our target but have received £50k interest free loans which really helps (It's not too late, you can still make a pledge!) We are really encouraged by this and I was particularly encouraged to see over 2/3 of the church participate in the giving for the new building.

Wow, what an amazing time to be a part of this church and the journey we're on.

Wednesday night we have the Vision Partners evening at the Kings Centre which will kick off at 7.45. At the rate we're going - this is going to be an evening you don't want to miss. See you there.

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