Friday 27 May 2011

BBQ's, Bounce Castles and Baguley

Good morning all. Sorry for the strange timing of this weeks blog as I was off Monday and next Monday is bank holiday so here is the latest news regarding the building.

Incase you’ve been away or living in a shed for the last couple of weeks – the Directors of the Church have given the green light to go ahead with the new building! This means that Sunday 26th June will be our last service in the Kings Centre. We will be having a celebration that day so please get it in your diaries. Many people from the past will be joining us and we will have BBQ’s, Bouncy castles and games running from approximately 1pm onwards.

So what’s the ‘Baggley’ part? Well that’s where our offices are moving to in the meantime. The reason why is that it is by far the cheapest option, it can accommodate all of our full time staff, and there is a meeting room similar to the one we have here at the Kings Centre, which will enable us to run smaller meetings throughout the year instead of having to hire venues. Also it helps us with storage as we have a lot of things that need storing over the 12 months we are out.
This is great news and once again a sign of Gods provision.

So there are still a few ends to tie up. Firstly the bank have not finalised their loan with us yet as they are waiting for the valuation of our building to be approved. This is a matter of ironing out the details but it would be good to pray that this goes smoothly. The last thing we want is any hiccups at this stage.

I’ve attached a couple of pictures of the Methodist Church we’ll be meeting in from July onwards, taken from my phone so you can get an idea of what it looks like. Get ready for the pews! See you next week.

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